Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sharing Web Resources

The website I chose is  It is an amazing site with a vast amount of resources!  Along the top there are links to publications, conference information, resources, and a link specifically for early childhood professionals.  If you roll over the resources link you will see links to other resources.  My two favorites are the links to play and back to school resources.  Under the back to school resources is a link to a great resource to share with families; Message in a Backpack.  There is a different message to share each month on a variety of topics, reading books at home, supporting writing at home, letting kids be kids, building social and emotional skills, and much more.  Each message is in English and Spanish.  There is nothing on the site that I found to be controversial.  There is also links to federal developments in the early childhood field, for example, a report on how President Obama's new job bill impacts education.  On insight I did gain from the sight is more background information on The Common Core State Standards.  The state I am teaching in adopted them this year and it was interesting to read NAEYC's' position on them. 


  1. The NAEYC "Message in a Backpack" is a resource that I've used for the past two years. Instead of sending them home in backpacks, we include them in our monthly newsletter. The information is relevant and current and we've had great feedback from parents. I love that I can always count on NAEYC to provide excellent resources (or at least steer me in the right direction) when I need them. Whether I'm looking for criteria on our accreditation or searching for perspectives on certain issues, NAEYC always has it! I'm sure you'll find it just as valuable as I have over the years.

  2. NAEYC journal is also a great resource for information and activities.
    Thank you for more links.
