Saturday, March 2, 2013

Reflecting on Learning

I have known since I was a little girl that I wanted to be a teacher.  The dream of having my own classroom is what kept me going through all of my general education courses in college.  I have such a passion for teaching for what is doing what is best for children.  “Anti-bias teachers are committed to the principle that every child deserves to develop to his or her fullest potential” (Derman Sparks & Edwards, 2010, p. 2).  I feel this should be true of all teachers, caregivers, and parents.  My hope for early childhood education is that the people who make the laws and distribute the money begin to value early education and make it a priority.  I hope to see every child have access to quality preschools that allow them to explore, learn, and grow socially.  I hope that the children in my classroom leave my room with a love of learning and have the confidence and curiosity to explore the world around them.  I hope the families of my students understand what a vital role they play in the education of their children and know that I value them and want them to be my partner in the education journey of their child.  

A big thank you to my colleagues, you have been a wonderful area of support and knowledge for me.  While I am sad that many of us are frustrated with the state of the education system right now, I am happy to know that I am not alone in my frustration.  I loved interacting with a group of people who share my same passion and drive for doing what is right for children.  The best of luck in your future endeavors.  I hope to keep following your blogs and continuing to learn from you.    

Derman-Sparks, L., & Olsen Edwards, J. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and             
ourselves. Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children


  1. Leigh,
    It's a wonderful feeling when we realize our true passion, and I can tell from being in class with you these last eight weeks that you have a love for teaching anti -bias.You presented some wonderful ideas teaching children (and some adults)how to accept their differences.As a collaborating team of early childhood educators, I know we can overcome our frustrations and advocate for the well being of all children. I wish you the very best as you continue on your academic journey.

  2. Leigh,

    Thanks for sharing your insight, passion, and thoughts on education. A quality preschool experience for all is truly important. I would love to see all children have an opportunity for a preschool experience free of cost. I always enjoy speaking with someone who who shares my passion for kindergarten. I wish you best of luck in the future!

  3. Finding our calling gives our lives purpose and meaning. It is wonderful that you have not only always known that you wanted to be a teacher - but that you have pursued your passion with a commitment to anti-bias learning. I hope that you will also add to your list a desire to spread your learning to other educators to maximize the impact of your own growth and development. Best wishes to you!
